Today my kids and I went to my homeschool co-op. My kids love being in their classes learning about cool things like China, the sun, drawing, and playing blob tag! The kids are very well entertained and learning and the moms get to chill and have some mom time discussing things coming up in our c-op, prayer requests followed by prayer time, and being able to hang out and talk, hang out and be the emotional woman that we are :) Some mornings feel so rushed but by the time the morning is over I am ready to conquer the rest of the day!
My past few posts have been about my struggles with weight and my body image. Today at co-op we separated into groups and the group that I joined in was on exercising. Seems like a perfectly timed group if I don't say so myself! I have been feeling like I just don't have the motivation to do what I need to do. But after talking with the ladies in the group I was in I feel like this is something that I can do... Not only for me but for my hubby and kids!
So here's my plan!
1. I'm packing away the scale. It gets discouraging when the numbers don't move as fast as I want them too. So I will go by my measurements and how my clothes are feeling.
2. I am going to continue to try waking up early and get my work-out done in the morning. I would much rather get it all done at once instead of piecing it together throughout the day. So the early morning I feel like I will be less interrupted by the needs of my kiddos.
3. I am going to charge up my fitbit and start wearing it again all the time. It's nice because it tracks your steps, your sleep patterns, and any other movement you do and counts it as calories burned! And to go along with that I am going to faithfully log all my food intake on my fitness pal. It's really nice because the fitbit also syncs up with my fitness pal so I don't have to guess durning the day as to how much time I'm taking with doing work.
4. I am NOT going to buy any new clothes until the ones I am wearing are too big. So that will be good motivation for me!
5. I am going to alternate daily between doing the elliptical and Jillian michael's DVD's. Il probably add in some small work outs and stretches from Pinterest that catch my fancy just so my muscles don't get used to doing the same thing over and over again. And I am also going to do it that way in hopes to reduce the chance of shin splints (man those things hurt!)
So my goal is to work out faithfully for 2 weeks without complaining :) hehe... My encouragement verse will be... 1 Corinthians 6:19 & 20 "Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." God doesn't want me to just sit around feeling sorry for myself. He gave me this body and I need to take care of it. He gave me my kids and I need to stay strong so I can teach them and care for them.
So here's to my healthy lifestyle!
Good Job