
Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Storms of Life

I find that my writing changes according to the circumstances that I am facing.  So, that it why I seem all over the place.  I don't have a certain "theme day" for each day of the week. I look at other blogs and see how nicely organized they are and wish that I could do that.  But I just write in order to see the see the possibilities.  So one day it may be about the crazy things that my children have done, a favorite recipe, or all the blessings that I feel from the Lord.. and then the next day it's about the struggles that I face, and wondering where God is in all of this.  But that's just who I am... it's the all or nothing, take it or leave it principle I suppose.  

Yesterday was a particularly tough day.  Stress from certain unexpected circumstances from earlier in the week have been piling up and it was just weighing me down. I didn't want to do anything.  I didn't want to focus on anything.  I found that I had my nose in my Bible a lot more... just grabbing for anything I could that would keep me afloat.  I love that I have the YouVersion app of the Bible on my phone.  It's easy to browse through their reading plans and find something that fits what you need. I found one titled "Decisions"... it's perfect.  I also went onto Pinterest for a while when the kids were resting and just pinned about 25 quotes about Faith.  It was honestly what I needed.  I needed to soak in the promises that my Savior has for me.  I needed my perspective on my situation to change.  I needed the Lord to fight my battle for me that I was losing, and at a quick and frightening pace.  I then came across this poster that was the life saver I needed (along with a bunch more)...



The Lord promises to not give us more than we can handle. We may feel like we are carrying the load of the the world on our shoulders and if one more thing was added to the pile we would snap.  But this is the confirmation that I needed to know that no matter what... I will bend with the weight, but I will NEVER break.  I may end up at the bottom, but the Lord will reach his hand down for me to grab a hold of and will pull me out of the rubble so I can see his path once again.  I just need to brush off the dust and keep moving forward, TRUSTING that He has it all under control. And that He has a plan, and that it's an even better plan that I could've ever imagined.

I went to bed last night absolutely defeated from the day, the week... I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, and I think this is the reason why...


The storm may still be raging, but He calmed me.  And I love that.


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