
Monday, May 26, 2014

The Choice to Unfollow

I have been itching to write a post for the past few days, and just haven't been able to figure out what it is that I want to write.  I started one last night, and I just wasn't able to tie everything together.  I was feel discouraged, but then we went to church.  And I wanted to share what our sermon was about...

So last night was the last sermon in a series called Follow. It was all about when we are tempted to Unfollow Jesus.  In this life there are so many things that can happen that will give us the choice either to continue on the path that we have been walking or click the unfollow button and go another way.  I see it most prevalent in marriages today.  It seems like it's the norm to just click the "divorce" button the second a speed bump comes along.  One or both parties just doesn't have the drive to fight and make it work.  It's really sad to me, because on the other side of that speed bump (which could feel like a mountain when you are going through it) is renewal.  There is a fresh perspective, and you realize how worth it all was to fight through the storm.  We realize that our God is a God of second chances.  And just because we mess up in life, in our marriage... that does not mean that we won't get a do over.  My hubby and I are living proof of that, and maybe in posts to come I will share more. **Side note: I do realize that there are times when a marriage just won't work no matter how much you fight. **

But anyway, back to the sermon from last night...

Our pastor was talking about all the things that pop up in life that will tempt us to want to "unfollow" Jesus.  He gave few warning signs as examples... and I am sure there are more, but I will just give what he mentioned...

1. The Bible is boring.  
How many times have I cracked open the Bible only to feel like I am reading nothing.  In the past I haven't been able to make the Bible come alive to me.  It was so dry and, well... boring.  But in the past few years, I have been able to come to the Bible with refreshed eyes and a yearning to actually learn what the Bible says and truly understand it for myself.  It's a learning process, just like everything else in life.

2. Church is not a priority.
When my hubby and I were in the thick of a major storm, church just wasn't even on the radar.  We were too busy with everything else that we were dealing with.  We couldn't even muster up the energy to get presentable to go to church and be fed.  I am so glad that we snapped out of that.  I crave going to church, and having the fellowship of friends, and singing praises to my Jesus and just being thankful for his promises to me, and my family.

3. Communicating with God is non-existent.

4. A life even led to serious doubt.
I think that this one is the biggest "causer" of doubt and clicking the "unfollow" button.  You start to question God when really bad things happen.  You lose a cherished loved one, a spouse has an affair and you aren't sure how to overcome that, you lose a child, a best friend gets cancer... all of these and more would cause a lot of people to run.  I could never fathom running.  When major life events happen in my life I get mad, and I get mad at God. But you know what?  Just like I tell my kids "I can take it" when they are made at me... I believe that's what God says when we are mad at him.  He wraps his arms around us and tells us that He can take it.  I rely more on God when I am mad at Him than at any other time in my life.

5. It's inconvenient.
How can you fit God in your life when you are so busy?  I feel like in these days of technology... it's a lot easier to fit God in.  With iPhones and iPads everywhere we look, it's so easy to carry the entire Bible with us in our pocket without taking up anymore space.  It's so much easier to just pull out your phone, and read the Bible while you are waiting at an appointment or anytime.  I find that I am saying little prayers all day long.  Yes, sometimes He may seem inconvenient when you are going through something major, but that's when He is trying to teach you something.

6. Complacency or General Drift

When I find that I have the choice to either follow Jesus or unfollow Him, I never doubt my faith in Him.  I look back on my life and I see that even though the path is full of pot holes and healed scars I wouldn't be the person I am without Him.  Honestly, I am afraid of what life would be like without Him.  I realize that there are people that don't believe in God, and see that their life is "better" for it, and that is the choice they have made.  I am just saying that in MY life... I will always choose Jesus.  No matter what comes my way.

Our pastor went on to give a few things you'll learn about yourself when you choose to stick with Jesus...

1. You will develop unshakeable faith!.... (despite all the hard stuff)
James 1:2-4 says "My brothers and sisters, when you have many kind of troubles, you should be full of joy because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience.  Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do.  Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need."

2. You will build an extraordinary strength.
In the moments of pain and strife will you have the courage to step out in faith and trust in God?  To trust that he will meet you and give you the strength that you need to continue moving forward?  For me... that answer will forever and always be a resounding YES!

3. You will experience life.
John 10:10 "A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life - life in all its fullness."

Even though we all face hard times we can't let that steal the promises that God has given to us.  He is the promise of life, and of hope. He IS the God of second chances.  I can only picture it like this... when my kids go through a tough time, or continually make the same bad choices over and over again...I will be there to guide them through that time, loving on them the best way that I know how. I won't ever tell them they are hopeless and I can't do anything more for them.  That's the same thing that God does for us. When we go through rocky times here God doesn't turn his back on us, he guides us the best way he knows how.  We feel the pain and strife so we can learn from it and be stronger because of it. 

So, what ways do you feel tempted to hit that "Unfollow" button?  

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