
Monday, May 5, 2014

A whisper or a yell...


There are so many times that we wonder... is this where the Lord wants me to go?  I wish that he would just send me a sign, yell in my face, do SOMETHING... Most of the time it's a gentle prompting, and quiet whisper to your soul, not loud and in your face.  I tend to feel those gentle promptings and then ignore them because they make me uncomfortable or I just don't want to think of what would happen if I followed through on that prompting.  And then usually if it's something that the Lord really wants me to do... it gets louder and louder and louder until He is yelling in my face.

I had one of these experiences this weekend at church.  We were sitting in "big church" getting ready to listen to the sermon.  And the first quote the pastor say was "You have no idea what hangs in the balance with a simple decision."  Hmm.. And then a little later he says, "A simple step can have a profound ripple effect."  A little more "hmm's" and shifting in our seats.  And the crowning achievement, I was eating a dove chocolate candy and the quote on the wrapper was "Big risks, Big rewards"!  Seriously?!  What is going on?  What is the Lord preparing me for?  A big decision obviously... I guess it's my time to take that first step of faith and see what it's all about...

I love the quote above "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."  When do we ever see the whole staircase?  Like NEVER! We are always taking steps of faith.  When you get are taking a step of faith that this is the right person, when you have kids, when you moves jobs or states... everything is a step of faith.  There are unknowns all around, but the only solid constant is the staircase... God.  He is the only constant in our lives.  The one person that will be there to help pick up the pieces of a storm or rejoice with us in the good times.

So what is it that God is calling you to?  Do you have a staircase that you have been standing at the bottom of just too afraid to take that first step?  I encourage you to take the risk and see the reward that comes from it!  You won't be disappointed.

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