I am a daughter of Christ, a wife, and a homeschooling mom of three kids. These will be letters to a "friend" as I take an honest look into my daily struggles and triumphs.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
A right start
I was reading in Mark... even Jesus needed to get away. My side notes say:
"No one would have thought any less of Jesus if he had just slept in the next morning, but instead we find him up early, meeting his Father in prayer. Jesus prays in the morning while his spirit is still fresh from sleep and unencumbered with the cares of his day. While others snore, his soul soars in communication with God. Jesus shows us the importance of giving our first and our best to God. Jesus prays alone, in a quiet and 'solitary' place (Mark 1:35). He knows the importance of limiting distractions in order to spend time with his Father." -- The Women of Faith Study Bible--
Jesus needed to recenter himself by being alone with his Father. Why are there days that I think I don't need to be re-centered? Why do I feel like I can do it all on my own? Jesus needs to be my focus at the start of every single day. I can only live for Him when I am focused on him! My kids can then see that I am devoted to my Father above... Seeking him before anything else. Once I have started my day with my Father I then need to teach my kids to start their day the same way. One of the biggest reasons that we wanted to homeschool was to teach our children about the love of God and about who He is. As their mom and teacher I need to be more proactive about that. I need to be able to understand the Word so I can correctly teach, speak the Word into my kids. I need them to see that my Jesus is more than just a passing thought. He is my life. Now I know that I will not know everything exactly as I should, but Jesus has called us to something higher than just getting through the daily check list of school work and household chores... He wants us to live our lives for him and learn about who He is and who He wants us to be! When we are intentional with him and doing His will... He will pour out blessings on us. I want my kids to see and feel that!
At the end of the day all I really want to hear is "You are my Son, daughter, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." (Mark 1:11 - italics are my adding) I just want to go to bed at the end of the day feeling like I did everything to the best of my ability instead of going to bed feeling guilty and defeated.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
I ended up getting a horrible head cold over the weekend and have been trying to function this whole week. The weather has been super nice so I sent the kids outside to play in the snow and make the most of it before this big storm comes through! As I was driving my kids home from Awana last night a thought hit me...
When you are sick there really isn't much that you want to do. All I really wanna do is sit on the couch and sleep and not move. Which is impossible as I have 3 little ones depending on me. So I just shuffle through the day... attempting to find food for the kids to eat, trying to get school done, and putting absolutely no effort into the laundry mountain! Yesterday I was starting to feel a little bit better and looked at the state of my house and was in shock. My house was a disaster. Dishes were all over the kitchen, the kids area downstairs had like 5 spots where I could actually see the carpet, the living room had puzzles thrown all over the floor, the laundry mountain was taller than me, and my sons room had all the books from his book shelf thrown everywhere. It's so crazy how just 2 or 3 days of living in a fog can make your home a disaster! (So today will be clean up day, since we aren't gonna go anywhere with this snow storm coming through!)
Anyway, back to my thought... after thinking about the state of my house I was thinking about how that applies to our spiritual lives too. It's so easy for us to sometimes just give up and live the way the world thinks is best. It's easy, it's convenient, and we are surrounded by it. The scales grow thicker and thicker the longer we lay complacent in our everyday life. We say "well this is just how it is now" or "everyone else is doing it and they seem to be getting along just fine" And then before we know it we are living a life that we don't even recognize. I was living that about 3 or 4 years ago. I was buried in diapers, spit up, and a growing bitterness and I was just trying to make it on my own. The scales that were built up on my eyes were so thick no wonder I couldn't see straight. It wasn't until about 3 month ago that the final scale was lifted from my eyes and I saw that I had been living in pure chaos. Not the way that God wanted me to live. Yes, He wants me to live in the here and now, but thats's so I can raise my kids (His kids) in a Godly house... in a home where they know they are safe and loved and forgiven no matter what! Not in a place where we conform to make life easier and snap at a mistake or spilled milk. No one said that loving our Father above was going to make life easy...just like no one said that being a parent would be easy. He brings storms to our life to make us stronger, not weaker. He brings the storms to our life to snap us out of the disaster and to cleanse our souls from the muck and mire of life.
It's so easy to blame God for the mess that our lives are in. "If God is a loving God why would he bring me to xyz...??" God brings us to "XYZ" to test us. We don't learn anything if we aren't tested. We have choices... we can choose the path to follow God through the storm or we can choose to go off course. If we chose the path that took us off course God never left us, He didn't turn his back to us and say "Good luck with that!" He went down that path with us, trying to grab us and show us that there was a better way. No matter the choices we made God has always and will always be there. God finally got a hold of me, and for that I am truly grateful. He is showing me that living in Him, trusting in Him, having faith in Him is so much better than me trying to wade through the muck that I had been living in. I can breathe and enjoy life and not feel bogged down.
It will be a constant fight to stay on the path that God has for me because I know how easy it is to slip off track. But this is a battle that I am willing to fight everyday of my life! Now, if I could only put that towards cleaning my house.... ;-)
Friday, February 14, 2014
A Letter to my Hubby
Did you know, my love, that I have loved you for approximately 4,464 days?
That is equal to exactly 12 years, 2 months, and 20 days!
4,464 days is equal to 637 weeks and 5 days.
The total time span from 11-25-2001 to today is 101,136 hours.
That is equivalent to 6,428,160 minutes.
4.464 days is equal to 385, 689, 600 seconds.
That's a lot of time! I am looking forward to doubling, tripling that time with you! Thank you for fighting, and loving, and all that's is in between with me. I am sure there will be more adventure to come!
I love you :)
Thursday, February 13, 2014
A Worshipful Heart
Ever have a song that you find and then it's on repeat like literally all day long? That seems to happen to me a lot. Thankfully my kids love music just about as much as I do and they are very forgiving when we listen to the same song over and over and over again :)
God made us to love everything that he created us to be. Whether it is loving nature, loving books, loving music... I feel as followers of Christ we need to use those passions to bring ourselves closer to Him and to help lead others to know how precious He is. Music is and always has been my biggest passion. I joke with my hubby that I was a singer in another life ;) Music has always healed my soul. You could always tell what mood I was in by what music I listened to. Now what constantly plays around my house is praise music... Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, David Crowder, Christy Nockles, Big Daddy Weave... Oh the list goes on and on! One song in particular that has been speaking to my soul is Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) by Kari Jobe. I'm really not sure how many times I have listened to it recently, but I'm sure it's a crazy number!
I have always treasured this song. "Be still, my soul, the Lord is on thy side..." God is on my side. God is with me on the rocky path and the calm waters. He is with me when I feel like I am drowning in anxiety or the unknowns. He is with me when I am feeling like I can conquer the world. I drink him in and my soul is still. My soul is at rest. My soul is at peace. I love the words of the chorus "In you I rest, in You I found my hope In you I trust, You never let me go I place my life within your hands alone Be still, my soul"
I posted a link to the video below. I wanted to put the actual video on my blog but I'm still learning how to use wordpress. :) I apologize for any commercial that comes on before her video. But I hope this song leaves you with a peace and a growing love for our Heavenly Father that only He can give to us!
Be Still My Soul - Kari Jobe
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Homeschool Journey
Looking at where we are right now I honestly, 100% cannot imagine doing anything else. My oldest is in 1st grade, my 2nd is in kindergarten, and my 3rd is on and off doing preschool. He would much rather bug his sisters while they do school or run around the house with his trucks or as Superman. All of which are fine as long as everyone stays safe, healthy, and happy and not get a super bloody nose because they tripped over a toy and hit their nose on the steps...;-) My hubby and I love watching the kids learn and grow and see their individual personalities emerge. I can't imagine my first in school as she needs to move and be vocal while she is learning. She likes to have noise going when she is doing school. My second needs a lot more one on one interaction with her school work. She likes to know that I am right there to answer questions anytime she has one or to just cuddle with while she is reading a new book. My boy...we haven't figured him out yet. And that is fine he is only 4! It's more important right now for him to play and imagine and be a boy. It's so important for all my kids to do that. Their purpose is to not sit in a desk and learn to perform. Their purpose is learn, to grow, to use their creativity and imaginations, to laugh, to be OK not always getting it right the first time, to love their Heavenly Father with a passion that only comes from Him. ( and I'm not saying they can't do any of that in a public school, but this is how it works for our family).
My challenge with homeschooling is to continually seek the Lord's wisdom and then to be obedient in leading my kids through that plan. My kids are going through a series at church about generosity and how we can help others in need. So this past weekend they were each given a piggy bank to raise money to help others. They have all been helping more around the house to earn that money. My oldest just lost her 7th tooth and she said she is going to take all of her tooth fairy money and put it in her piggy bank for church. Warms my heart to see that she wants to give that money away instead of keeping it all to herself. Makes my hubby and I feel like we are doing something right, and they are being obedient to what God wants for their lives.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Call to Jesus and he will lead us on an amazing adventure. Take us to places that we won't be able to go if it were just up to us. Now we just have to have the courage to listen and to follow. In Matthew 4:19 Jesus asks Simon and Andrew to Follow him. They didn't protest and ask questions... worry over what may or may not happen... They dropped their nets, left their boat, and immediately followed Jesus. This is how I want to raise my kids... With a faith that will take you out of the boat and be able to walk on water. Yes there may be times where we falter and start to sink, but all we have to do is reach up and grab the hand that will pull us back up. I want my hubby and I to be that kind of example to them. I want them to see that we have an unshakable faith even in the rocky times. Even when we falter and yell too much, or make poor choices like hitting or hurting someone's feelings... There is always a hand held out ready to forgive, have some encouraging words and a warm hug, and help you move forward on the journey laid out.
PS... I tried posting a cool pic with a winding path through the woods, but I couldn't get it to work :( so just imagine that I put it here ;-)
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Taming the Tongue From Careless Words
Why is it so much easier for us to think of all the wrong things to say instead of all the right things?
We say things that tear each other down faster than we can think of things to build each other up.
Most people have a filter that helps them realize... "Hey now! Stop right there! You will instantly regret saying that if you do..." But sometimes that filter just isn't on it's "A" game. So you think of a comeback... the words come flying out of your mouth... and before you know it there is no way to take it back. Your filter has failed.. BIG TIME. You have said something terribly wrong and there's nothing... NOTHING you can do about it. So, you just sit in the uncomfortableness of what has just been said, hit your head against the wall, and wish deeply that you can take it back. But you can't. So then there are two choices... 1. Continue saying things while your filter is on the fritz and make it worse or 2. Just zip your lips and STOP. Stop before you have dug a hole that will take FOREVER to get out of.
I tend to keep on going and dig myself a hole and then once the hold is deep enough I jump right on in and pile the dirt on. When my filter fails... It really fails. I just stand there armed and ready. What a horrible thing to do! Be the first on to strike and wound so I am not the first one hurt. Jesus doesn't teach that we should attack with our words or with any other tactic for that matter. We need to respond with love, with respect, with understanding. Proverbs 10:19 says "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." Ouch... every time I open my mouth I have the choice to be sinful with my words and tear others down or I can be wise and just zip it. Even though I have an opinion about something, or think of a jab... that does not give me the freedom to say it. It's as simple as that saying that we were taught as kids "If you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything at all." I need to start taking responsibility for what I say instead of just saying something out of frustration.
Learning how to tame my tongue is going to be a hard challenge. But I need to use my tongue to build up my family. At church this past weekend our teaching Pastor Jason Anderson challenged us with finding a word that will help us be a better person this year. He chose "trust" as his word... I think for me I need a few words to help me through this year. "Stillness", "Listen first then speak" (and if after listening you still can't think of anything else to say then keep quiet!), "Just STOP." Ephesians 4:29 says it best "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." So not drudging up the past, or saying something to make the person feel as miserable as you feel is NOT wise? Ok got it! Until I am able to be held accountable for my words, my "filter" will continue to fail. So I guess the only place to start is to Confess and then Repent for what has been said. Whether is been out of irritation at my children because they have asked 500 times when we can play outside, or asking them for the 5th time to clean up their toys spread all over the house or saying things out of frustration at my hubby for things totally and completely out of his control (like rush hour traffic which makes him late and RUINS MY plans for the evening)... I need to change... Change my response, change my words, change my body language. Confess and Repent it's the only way to start being free from our sinful selves.
So, I end this with a heartfelt apology to my hubby for saying harsh words out of frustration. I am imperfect and broken. I am, we are, working on building our house with Christ as the foundation. I crack and fail more often than I want to. But with your help, Love, we are able to fill in those cracks and make it stronger because we don't let it crumble. It may be a bit wobbly at times, but God's hand is there holding it up till we get it figured out.
Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Monday, February 3, 2014
New recipe...
Slow cooker chicken pot pie stew
4 large skinless, boneless chicken breast cut into cubes
10 medium red potatoes, cubed
1 (8 oz) pkg of carrots
1 cup chopped celery
2 can of cream of chicken soup
6 boullion cubes
2 t garlic salt
1 t celery salt
1 T black pepper
16 oz bag of frozen mixed veggies
Combine everything into the crockpot but the mixed veggies. Cook on high for 5 hours.
Mix in frozen veggies for the last hour of cooking.
Serve with bisquik biscuits.
So, unless you want to feel your arteries clog due to all the salt, and have every bite taste like black pepper... Please follow the recipe as written! :) but here are my highly suggested tweaks.
1. I didn't have red potatoes and used regular russet potatoes and it was just fine.
2. I'd say the 8 oz pkg of carrots is optional since the mixed veggies already have carrots in it.
3. I make my own cream of chicken soup. So much healthier! I just combine 3 T of butter and 1T of flour in a pot. Heat it up and mix together. Then add 1/2 cup of chicken stock and 1/2 cup of milk. Add salt and pepper if desired. Mix until thick. Super nummy! And it makes about 1 cans worth of soup.
3. Wow! 6 bouillon cubes! That's a lot. One would suffice or for a healthier choice 1 cup of chicken stock.
4. Only use 1t of garlic salt or add in 1 garlic clove.
5. I would also add in a small onion.
6. WAY TOO MUCH PEPPER!!! only use as much as you want. Leave it out while cooking and then people can add it into their bowls if they want a slight pepper taste!
7. I would add in the frozen veggies about 3 hours into cooking. Then it has 2 hours to stew instead of 1.
8. This is great as a stew or if you'd like to eat with biscuits that would work too.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
I found this recipe at allrecipes.com
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Leaving a Legacy
"If the story of your life was included in the Bible, how would you be remembered - as a woman who served The Lord faithfully with all your heart and soul, or as someone who did evil in the sight of The Lord?"
What would my story look like? Would it look like a mom that was striving to do things the way that The Lord designed or would I look like a mom that was just hanging on by a thread because I'm trying to do it all on my own? I am afraid of my answer because I know what it is. My answer isn't that I always go the way that has been planned out for me by my loving Heavenly Father. I usually end up going out on my own and it is a curvy path that bring me through thorns and thick weeds. I eventually end up where I was supposed to be.... But if I had just listened to The Lord's prompting I wouldn't have encountered so much trouble.
For example.... Finances... They literally get me every time. I sit there and balance the checkbook and fret about how I am supposed to buy groceries and put gas in the van on such a small amount of money? I make sure to pay all the bills first and use whatever is left over to buy food and gas. But sometimes what is left just doesn't look like enough. So then I start obsessing over it and trying to recalculate and looking for ways to cut down the list and yadda yadda yadda.... I become overwhelmed and instead of just trusting that The Lord is going to provide (as he always does) I just sit in the doom and despair that is called money. My hubby tries to talk and calm me down and remind me of all the blessings that we have because we are faithful to our Provider above but something inside just doesn't want to listen and I become someone that I don't want my kids to become. I become bitter and extremely frustrated and end up taking it out on everyone that gets in my way...
What kind of legacy is that? Trust The Lord in everything kids, but when the going looks like it's getting tough get into the drivers seat and just take over. Um, NO! It needs to be the total opposite. We need to give that control over to Him and know that we will be taken care of 100%. In my head I know and understand and see that He is providing but then it comes out totally wrong and my kids see that part. They can't see what is going on in my head. They only see my reaction to the stress. Matthew 6:31-33 is exactly what I need to live out and show my kids the faithfulness of God. "Don't worry about having enough food, drink, or clothing. Don't be like the pagans who run after all these things. Your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern." When I am feeling the stress and strain of financial woes (or anything else that causes stress really...) that is when I need to turn and run to God, NOT myself. It is a horrible habit that I have gotten into and one that needs to break...not only for my sake, but for the sake of my hubby and kids.
I need to live and breathe Philippians 4:12-13
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
That, my friends, is the legacy I want to leave for my kids. One that trusted mind, body, and soul in The Lord and his plan for my life and my family's life. He knows what he is doing and I really need to stop questioning that.