
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A right start

I find that when I start my day with a good strong cup of coffee, a nice warm shower, and being able to have a few minutes to myself to read The Word the rest of my day goes so much smoother, and I go to bed feeling content with the day. I feel more patient and able to handle the chaos that will more than likely ensue in the hours to come. Now, on the flip side... When I start my day off with a nice strong cup of coffee and a hot shower and that's it I feel more out of control and unwilling to deal with anything that comes my way. And I go to bed feeling defeated and frustrated with the day. I have the "mom guilt"... I could've done so much better!

I was reading in Mark... even Jesus needed to get away. My side notes say:

"No one would have thought any less of Jesus if he had just slept in the next morning, but instead we find him up early, meeting his Father in prayer. Jesus prays in the morning while his spirit is still fresh from sleep and unencumbered with the cares of his day. While others snore, his soul soars in communication with God. Jesus shows us the importance of giving our first and our best to God. Jesus prays alone, in a quiet and 'solitary' place (Mark 1:35). He knows the importance of limiting distractions in order to spend time with his Father." -- The Women of Faith Study Bible--

Jesus needed to recenter himself by being alone with his Father. Why are there days that I think I don't need to be re-centered? Why do I feel like I can do it all on my own? Jesus needs to be my focus at the start of every single day. I can only live for Him when I am focused on him! My kids can then see that I am devoted to my Father above... Seeking him before anything else. Once I have started my day with my Father I then need to teach my kids to start their day the same way. One of the biggest reasons that we wanted to homeschool was to teach our children about the love of God and about who He is. As their mom and teacher I need to be more proactive about that. I need to be able to understand the Word so I can correctly teach, speak the Word into my kids. I need them to see that my Jesus is more than just a passing thought. He is my life. Now I know that I will not know everything exactly as I should, but Jesus has called us to something higher than just getting through the daily check list of school work and household chores... He wants us to live our lives for him and learn about who He is and who He wants us to be! When we are intentional with him and doing His will... He will pour out blessings on us. I want my kids to see and feel that!

At the end of the day all I really want to hear is "You are my Son, daughter, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." (Mark 1:11 - italics are my adding) I just want to go to bed at the end of the day feeling like I did everything to the best of my ability instead of going to bed feeling guilty and defeated.

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