I think in today's day and age it is so easy for us to rush, rush, rush without a second thought about it. We feel like we have these unattainable lists that need to get checked off and the faster that we can get through it the faster we'll be done. But in reality that is a lie, because as soon as we check one thing off five more things are added to the bottom of the list! God does not want us to be rushing through this life. When we rush, we miss out on so much. We miss out on the promises that He has for us, we miss out on our family, our kids, our LIFE! It's time to stop and breathe in His promises.
This morning I was "mommy monster" as I was trying to get things ready for breakfast, and didn't want anyone getting in my way. My daughter wanted me to make French Toast Muffins, my son didn't want those (even though he loves them)... and I was getting really frustrated. I have a headache from kids being awake last night and just not sleeping well in general. So instead of breathing Him in to calm me down I just went straight to "mommy monster". I quickly realized this is NOT how I wanted my day to go so after the muffins were in the oven, I took my cup of coffee and went straight to the rocking chair in the living room to start my day over. I started over with God. I breathed Him in. My attitude changed, and was calm and refocused.
Proverbs 3:5, 6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways remember him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight."
We are not meant to face this life alone. We are not meant to live according to our check lists. We are supposed to go through life trusting that God has our back. Trusting that He is in the drivers seat. Granted, not everything is smooth and straight every moment of every day...it's ok when there are days that our check list collect dust. Knowing that I have God in my corner is enough to let me ride out the bumps, and tackle that list another time. Once we have tasted the goodness of God, how can we leave that? His promises and grace are more that I can fathom, and I would be terrified to live a life without holding Him near.
Yes, storms will rise. The path won't always be peachy keen, but God has us through it all. We just need to lean into him and find our rest. The Lord rejoices when we rejoice and weeps when we weep. But through it all, He's got you.
Breathe Him in daily.
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